Japanese products & businesses

Friday, May 26, 2006

Waterstop. Kuniseal C-31 is really taking off in Australia, Spain and Italy. Recently, this bentonite and mineral oil waterstop is being noticed and used in construction projects in Southeast Asia, too.

If you know of dealers or distributors that need a new concrete construction material to offer, this is a great product looking for a great distributor.

Kuniseal C-31 is a blend of bentonite and mineral oil products that swells up when in contact with water. Usually it is used in the joint between a concrete footer and a concrete foundation or basement wall. The swelling forces the tiny bentonite crystals into the tiny cracks and voids in the concrete joint making the joint permanently watertight. The bentonite will actually fuse to the concrete over time.

More information from Tom Turner

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Whether you are traveling to Japan for pleasure or business, trying to find a good travel agent,
trying to conduct sales and marketing in Japan or you might be looking for some rare Japanese anime characters or manga, you should think of JapanLink.com. You might be looking for a particular industrial technology or specialty construction material supplier that they already know!

There are guys who are trying to hook them up. It's JapanLink.com ! The Japanese version of the site introduces American products and news to Japanese audiences. The English version of the site introduces Japanese products looking for sellers as well as companies offering US products to be represented in the Japanese market. The site also offers free brief consulting to US companies looking for assistance in procuring products or finding information from Japan.

The site is under a major renovation, so watch for upcoming new features with much more Japanese information. Submit your web site link requests and get higher exposure to the Japanese audience as well!

for Inquiries: eMail


ITA for Inside Out Stuffed Toys
2 toys in one from Japan! Fun plush stuffed toys and promotionals that change by turning inside out.
Nissey Kougyo can produce large quantities of these unusual stuffed toys from your original designs.

How this toy works:
- Unzip the bottom of the Gorilla mascot,
- Pull out the empty Rugby Ball inside.
- Move the bead stuffing into the ball
- Stuff the empty mascot into the ball
- Zip up and play!

Stuffed toy made of pliable stretch nylon with a microbead stuffing, a great way to show off your mascot, logo, or sports partners for promotions. Or, you can design your own original pillow or toy around this concept.

They have supplied these toys (such as Pokemon and Penguin version, etc. etc.) and sold to many Japanese ad agencies as corporate promos. The minimum order starts at 12,000pcs.

Contact Tom Turner